Been a while since I posted. Most of the summer was spent doing various projects; some for pay and some for fun. One of my new interests is APRS - Automated Packet Reporting System. It started when a ham friend of mine decided to hike the John Muir Trail and wanted me to keep in touch with him and his girlfriend as they hiked. He carried a Kenwood TH-D7A(G) APRS handheld; so I decided that I would set up APRS to track him.
In the process of doing this I learned a lot about APRS and the mechanics of routing packets through RF. I set up an "I-Gate" which is a system that passes received RF packets into the APRS servers via the Internet. Turns out this was quite useful to some local hams that carried Kenwood TH-D7A(G) APRS handhelds which could not normally reach the mountain-top APRS repeaters aka "digipeaters". So now my station's running 24/7; not great for keeping the electric bill small but I guess that's why I have a 3 KW solar PV array on my roof, yeah?
In exploring APRS I learned that when it comes to digipeaters "more" is not necessarily equated to "better". RF packet is about passing packets to the target (or targets) with little (or ideally no) redundancy. For the most part we enjoy a great VHF environment here in the Bay Area; the Silicon Valley is ringed by mountain ranges which provide line-of-sight at nearly any time to at least one of the wide-area digipeaters. Any additional digipeaters are redundant and therefore create extra packet traffic. (The exception to this is of course low-level/low-power "fill-in digipeaters" designed to serve small pocket valleys, urban canyons, etc.) With a dense population and a lot of hams using APRS it's a constant battle to keep the 144.390 MHz APRS channel from becoming too crowded. I-Gates don't contribute to the crowding problem; that is if they're set up as receive-only I-Gates.
I'm having a good time with APRS; besides just being able to track locations I've also been exploring how it can be used for text communication; I had a nice QSO with YB2TJV in Indonesia recently. It's also proving useful to study VHF propogation in the area. I have no idea why my callsign was used by OH7LZB as an example in his blog post on the new I-Gate coverage function on; but I was flattered anyway!
I'll be hosting a forum on APRS at Pacificon 2008 which runs from October 17th - 19th in San Bruno, CA. My forum is scheduled for 8:00am Sunday the 19th; if you're in town please do come by and say hi!
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